Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Thunder Rolls

This morning at some wee ungodly hour I was startled awake by a huge booming crack of thunder. At first I didn't know what it was, being half asleep and from a land where thunder is not a common occurrence. I peeked out the window, fully expecting to see a mushroom cloud and the end of the world as I know it.

And what did I see?
Nothing, it was dark. Maybe a raccoon in the dumpster. Hardly an apocalypse.

Nevertheless, I decided that if there indeed was an emergency, I didn't want the SDPD or the Red Cross or FEMA or whoever to see the week's worth of dishes that was piled high in my kitchen sink. So right then and there, in the still of the night, I firmly resolved to clean up my act.

And by "act" I mean "kitchen."

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