Thursday, March 20, 2008

How to Make My Day


Well, I just got home from one of those banner days at work. You know, when the delicate house of cards I've been building for the past few months comes crashing down in one fell swoop. And the only thing I can do is swallow the agonizing frustration, pick up the pieces and start over. I'm really earning this Ph.D, that's for sure.

I came home planning to drown my sorrows in sake and reality tv, perhaps topping off the night by falling asleep on the couch. That was not to be the case, however. My spirits brightened considerably when I walked in the door and was greeted by this on our kitchen table:

donut box

My parents have just returned from Las Vegas. Through a relay exchange between at least three different family members, a long drive through the desert, and probably horse drawn carriage or pack mule, these brave vegan donuts found their way to me!

Not only do my parents get major thanks for orchestrating delivery of said donuts, but serious bonus points go to my Dad for walking into a donut shop and inquiring about vegan items with ease. At least now I think he knows what the word means! (He didn't actually eat one, that would be going TOO far.)

The frosting is a little banged up from the journey, but hot damn do they taste good.

maple bar

Tomorrow I'll return to work, fueled entirely by apple fritters. Can't wait to see how the day goes!

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