Saturday, April 19, 2008

Make Crepes, Not War


These crepes were made with the audio accompaniments of repeated gunshots and blaring sirens. No, there isn't an impending revolution in graduate housing. The sounds were coming from inside my apartment, specifically from the television where my husband was very involved in a heated session of Grand Theft Auto on his playstation. "Stop starting gang wars and come eat your breakfast!" Something I don't get to say everyday.

I use the crepe recipe from Vegan with a Vengeance. The batter is basically flour, water, salt, and olive oil. It comes together really quickly, especially if you've already chugged two cups of coffee.

I make the crepes one at a time on my favorite non-stick skillet and stick them in my toaster oven while subsequent crepes are being cooked. I don't turn the toaster on; rather, the heat and steam from the crepes is trapped in the oven so the crepes stay warm and don't stick together. When I'm all done cooking I've got a heaping, steaming pile of crepes. (Coprophiles, go back and read that sentence again, get your mind out of the gutter!)

The crepes were filled with strawberry soy yogurt and Ligonberries. Rolled up and topped off with strawberry sauce, they satisfy the gangster in everyone.


Anonymous said...

no joke i made breakfast crepes tonight for dinner .. they weren't vegan :( but they were gooooood

Michelle said...

hey caroline, the next time you come over we'll make crepes instead of cupcakes! Margarita crepes maybe?